Using the single page Eptium application at

The browser-based COPC viewer called Eptium available at works really well for our applications. Can we continue to use it at that address with our own data?

Yes. Hobu, Inc. reserves the right to limit application access or remove the website entirely, as it is provided at its cost. That said, it is a single web page application with Hobu, Inc. branding. There is no intention of doing so at this time.

What is Eptium?

It is a React application that provides Cesium interop with COPC and COG along with a complete lidar point cloud interaction application that can be extended with your own applications. Email to find out more and to obtain a demo SDK to test developing with it.

Licensing options for Eptium

Eptium is not open source. Here are the licensing options of the application:

Model A – Licensing the entire application

  • Licensee is granted access to full source code release of the "Eptium Application" (
  • Licensee may modify, enhance, fork, improve or whatever it wants to the source to build and modify applications for its own use.
  • Licensee may not sell or distribute enhanced versions of the Eptium software development kit without entering a royalty agreement. Any attempt to do so will result in revocation of your license to use the Eptium software in part or in whole.
  • Licensee pays a $25,000 initial purchase price to cover access to the code and any updates for a year.
  • Licensee optionally pays $5,000/yr cost to access source code updates afterward

Model B – The entire application as a binary

  • Licensee is provided a minified "Eptium Application" ( that supports enhancements and additions such as logo, color styling, slide boxes, link sharing, etc.
  • Licensee may not sell or distribute enhanced versions of the Eptium software development kit without entering a royalty agreement. Any attempt to do so will result in revocation of your license to use the Eptium software in part or in whole.
  • Licensee pays $5000 first time purchase cost
  • Licensee optionally pays $1,000/yr cost for access to continued binary updates

Model C – COPC, COG, and EPT data support for Cesium as a binary

  • Licensee is provided a minified COPC, EPT, and COG bundled classes
  • Licensee is provided Resium/React source components to manage data resources
  • Perpetual usage license – no restriction, royalty, or sharing agreement required
  • Licensee pays $5000 first time purchase cost
  • Licensee optionally pays $1,000/yr cost for access to continued binary updates

Model D – COPC, COG, and EPT data support source implementations

  • Licensee is provided COPC, EPT, and COG source components
  • Licensee is provided Resium/React source components to manage data resources
  • Perpetual usage license – no restriction, royalty, or sharing agreement required
  • Licensee pays $25,000 first time purchase cost (credit from Model C => Model D can be applied)
  • Licensee optionally pays $5,000/yr cost for access to continued binary updates

Please contact for more information about licensing.